Dynamically Reconfigurable Superscalar (DRSS) Processor

Dynamic voltage scaling(DVS) is one of the well-known design techniques to reduce the power consumption. The key idea is to take into account the fact that the power consumption is proportional to voltage V squared.

We tried to find another approach.

The key idea for dynamically reconfigurable superscalar (DRSS) processor is to pay attention to the fact that the cost for the instruction-issue-logic is proportional to L squared, where L is the number of the entries of the instruction window. If

  1. there is no need for high-performance computation or
  2. enough parallelism cannot be found among the instructions in the instruction window,

only the sub-instruction-issue-logic for a few entries works for the situation.


Related publictions

A journal:

  1. Ryuichi TAKAHASHI and Hajime OHIWA:
    "Situated Learning for Fine Grain Microcomputer
    Design Education,"(in Japanese)
    Journal of JSEE, Vol.54, No.2, pp.55-61 (2006)

An international conference:

  1. Ryuichi TAKAHASHI and Hajime OHIWA:
    "Legitimate Peripheral Participation on FPGA
    for Fine-Grain Microprocessor Design Education"...ACM, IEEE
    Proc. 2005 International Conference on
    Microelectronic Systems Education, pp.99-100 (2005)

The front page of the Activities related to City-1

Microcomputer Design Educational Environment City-1